Monday, August 16, 2010

Posted Today at 10am on the Oella HOA Website

With little details to this "tentative" agenda I wonder if the membership
can determine what will actually be talked about?  Still no minutes from 
May or June 2010.  Maybe more timely communications should be 
an agenda item?  Just my opinion.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Tentative Oella HOA Meeting Agenda - Monday, August 16th at 7pm

  1. Call to Order – 7:00pm
  2. Meeting Minutes – Discuss/Revise/Approve
  3. Treasurer’s Report
  4. ARC Update
  5. HOA Landscaping & Common Areas
  6. Guidelines Committee update
  7. Board Action Items from Management Report
  8. Old Business
  9. New Business
  10. Questions and comments from residents
  11. Move to Adjourn

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Aug 15....No Agenda for Aug 16th Mtg & Still No Minutes from May or June 2010

Here we are again, one day before the scheduled Oella Homeowners
Board of Directors Meeting (Aug 16, 2010) and still no agenda.
I ask again, is this the way to promote homeowner participation?
How can members decide if they wish to attend the meeting if
they are not given adequate time to see at least a preliminary

Where are the TWO prior months Oella HOA Board meeting
minutes?  Why has the Board still not posted  May or June
2010 minutes??  How many more months will pass before
they are made public? Does the membership have a right to
receive timely information?

Oh I almost forgot that we have seen recent posts on
the Oella HOA official site about important
issues of Bulb Sales and about upgrading of bike trails...
I guess their priorities are different than mine??

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Two Full Months Since May 2010 and still no Board Meeting minutes posted?

Here it is August 1, 2010 and the May and June 2010
Oella Homeowners Association Board of Directors
Meeting Minutes are still not available to the Oella
HOA membership.  Can anyone explain?
If the volunteers are too busy then why hasn't the management
company been tasked to post the minutes?
How come it appears I am the only member of
this association that finds this strange, especially
since in the past some Board members have openly
complained of the lack of community participation.
Keeping the community informed is step number
one, in my opinion.  If you don't keep people 
informed they are very unlikely to participate. 
Just my opinion.