Reply from the Managment Company:
(section extracted)
There is an ongoing issue with the webmaster and the
Oella website. This is what caused the delay in posting
the minutes, among other items. May,June,and July's
minutes are now posted to the website. The August minutes
will not be posted until they have been approved by the Board.
The Board of Directors of any HOA is not required to post
information on a website. In fact, the Board of any HOA is
not required to have a website. The Oella HOA goes above
and beyond what is required in an effort to keep the
membership informed. Any member that is truly interest,
as you are, need only contact this office.
My reply email:
(section extracted)
I appreciate your reply and explanation, however, over
the last several months the Oella HOA website has been
updated by (name removed) on a number of occasions
for postings, so I find it hard to believe that such problems
were encountered only when posting the minutes.
Funny how all those alleged web site problems magically
cleared themselves up yesterday and the minutes appeared
within hours of receipt of my email request. Interesting
how problems you described suddenly resolved themselves.
I guess my email was more powerful than I imagined.